We want to:
- Raise awareness of the impacts of fast fashion
- Advocate for an ambitious and comprehensive Circular Economy Bill
- Ensure young people are able to meaningfully participate in the implementation of the Circular Economy Bill.
What is the circular economy?
A linear economy model described as take-make-waste where raw materials are extracted from the earth, made into products, and then discarded as part of our throwaway culture, with only limited recycling of resources and very little reuse of products.
In order to reduce our reliance on the planet’s resources there are increasing calls to move to a circular economy where there are very high rates of recycling, reuse and repair, and materials circulate in the economy for as long as possible.
Zero Waste Scotland and the Ellen Macarthur Foundation have lots of resources.
The current situation in Scotland
Scotland currently operates under a linear economy model described as take-make-waste where raw materials are extracted from the earth, made into products, and then discarded as part of our throwaway culture, with only limited recycling of resources and very little reuse of products. 1.3% of the resources Scotland uses are cycled back into the economy.
The Circular Economy Bill will establish the legislative framework to support Scotland’s transition to a zero waste and circular economy. The Bill was consulted on last year, and the consultation ended in August 2022. A Route Map will also be created to maximise progress towards waste and recycling targets.
Our campaign approach & calls
Our campaign has focused on raising awareness, in membership and with other young people through social media work as well as engagement with Government on the Circular Economy Bill.
Our campaign calls are:
- To include strong and challenging targets in the Bill that encourage and support people to reduce, reuse and recycle materials.
- To create a committee of young people to aid the implementation of the circular economy bill, including how to tackle fast fashion and reduce the environmental impact of the fashion industry on Scotland.
- To engage young people, meaningfully, in the future development, and delivery of circular economy policies – and we see the new public body as an opportunity to build rights-based work into the role of building Scotland’s Circular economy.

What action has SYP taken so far
- SYP submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation on ‘Delivering a Circular Economy’. Our response was formed by our 2019 ‘Pack it up, Pack it in’ consultation as well as our 2020 #WhatsYourTake survey.
- Daisy Stewart Henderson MSYP and Olivia Brown MSYP spoke about our campaign priority on the circular economy in the context of fast fashion at the Executive Takeover with the Scottish Government’s Permanent Secretary and Directors Generals
- We held a panel event at our 78th National Sitting in September 2022 on fast fashion with over 170 MSYPs in attendance. Speakers included Andrew Pankhurst from Zero Waste Scotland, Anna MacMahon from 2050 Climate Group and Mary Beth Graham from Fashion Revolution Scotland.
- Fraser Adams MSYP spoke at the Annual Joint Cabinet Meeting with Children and Young People on the subject and called for the Scottish Government to meaningfully engage with young people in the delivery of the Circular Economy Bill.