SYP published the below report on “Personal and Social Education (PSE) Curriculum, Strengthening Learner Voice”
The Scottish Government’s Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027 includes an action committing the Scottish Government to review Personal and Social Education. In 2019, the report, Personal and Social Education: Preparing Scotland’s Children and young people for Learning, Work and Life, published an analysis of findings along with a set of recommendations. This report is known as the PSE Review.

In its recommendations the PSE Review expressed a commitment to ensuring that learner engagement and co-design of PSE/HWB programmes are taken forward. Supporting this recommendation is a strong focus on learner participation and an empowered system whereby learners feel valued and have their voices heard, as underpinned by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
Education Scotland commissioned the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP)
to progress this recommendation by following an investigative process
which will uncover young peoples’ views and opinions of participation
and engagement in education from across a range of local and national projects. This will be supplemented by more recent data from the SYP Education and Lifelong Committee.
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