Subject Committees
Every MSYP becomes member of one of our eight Subject Committees, each of which takes responsibility for a specific area of policy. Every June, newly formed Subject Committees meet with their newly elected Convener and Deputy Convener to make initial plans on what they would like to focus on throughout the year. They meet at each of the two SYP Sittings each year – in June and October.

The role of SYP’s Committees often includes engaging with their counterpart Committees at the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government or other charities, carrying out consultation work and inviting guest speakers. You can see each Committee’s top-line work plans below or click here to view the Conveners and Deputy Conveners of each of our Subject Committees.
Culture & Media
Committee remit: the arts, Gaelic language, traditional Scottish culture (including music and dance), heritage and museums, the media, and tourism.
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Education and Lifelong Learning
Committee remit: school education, Further and Higher education, adult and community education.
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Equality, Human Rights and Social Security
Committee remit: human rights (including the UNCRC), accessibility, issues related to disability, gender, race, sexuality, any other issues which arise as a result of barriers to access or discrimination, housing and area regeneration, poverty and deprivation, homelessness, family issues (including adoption, fostering, carers and the care system), community empowerment, and social security system.
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External Affairs, UK and International Relations
Committee remit: UK and European legislation, relationships with Europe and the rest of the world, and reserved matters.
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Health, Wellbeing and Sport
Committee remit: drugs, healthy living, medical costs, mental health, National Health Service, private healthcare, sexual health, sport and leisure facilities, grassroots sporting provision, national sporting achievement and diversity in sport.
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Jobs, Economy and Fair Work
Committee remit: economic growth and sustainability, entrepreneurship, employment opportunities and rights, government training schemes and initiatives, and non-formal education opportunities.
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Committee remit: police and criminal law, the justice system, and the European Convention on Human Rights.
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Transport, Environment and Rural Affairs
Committee remit: sustainable development, the climate crisis, transport, natural heritage, island issues, wildlife, farming and fishing, and land reform.
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