SYP’s new 2023-Membership officially began on Thursday 1st February 2024!
Most of our newly elected MSYPs are now in their role however, there are still a number of elections to conclude across the country.
Where only one MSYP is currently elected to represent a constituency or one of our National Voluntary Organisations, a by-election will be held in the near future to fill the vacant seat.
We will update this blog as more results are announced – find our latest results below:
Carers Trust Scotland
Max Green MSYP and Abbie Rough MSYP
Mohammad Adheeb Mufthy Hashim MSYP and Zain Ul Abidin Qureshi MSYP
Girlguiding Scotland
Aine Byers MSYP and Mary-Martha Dickie MSYP
LGBT Youth Scotland
Amy Winter MSYP and Skye Morgan MSYP
Scouts Scotland
Dylan Welsh MSYP and Ewan Knight MSYP
The Boys’ Brigade
Damien Gordon MSYP
Who Cares? Scotland
Michael Archibald MSYP and Lauren Barrie MSYP
YMCA Scotland
Andrew Will MSYP and Jonah Brooks MSYP
Haggeye (RNIB Scotland)
Eilidh Morrison MSYP and and Kerry Burke MSYP
Aberdeen Central
Marco Oosthuizen MSYP and Mariah Ichakpa MSYP
Aberdeen Donside
Sol Bewley-Lataix MSYP and Tyrone Jana MSYP
Aberdeen South and North Kincardine
Olusegun Hammed-Alli MSYP and Oluwapelumi Otitoju MSYP
Aberdeenshire East
To be announced
Aberdeenshire West
To be announced
Airdrie and Shotts
Eshal Malik MSYP
Almond Valley
Eleana Velachoutakou MSYP and Kalvin Mckenzie MSYP
Angus North and Mearns
Hamish Fraser MSYP
Angus South
Ella Quinn MSYP and Marcus Flucker MSYP
Argyll and Bute
Alasdair Paisley MSYP and Mariska Silkowski MSYP
Evie Tougher MSYP and Matthew McColm MSYP
Banffshire and Buchan Coast
To be announced
Caithness, Sutherland and Ross
To be announced
Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley
David McGilp MSYP and Joshua Hayward Brown MSYP
Clackmannanshire and Dunblane
Jeslin Konthuruthy MSYP and Ben Moore MSYP
Clydebank and Milngavie
Rebecca Ross MSYP and Arianna Gagnon MSYP
Joseph Macmillan Seed MSYP and Louise Smith MSYP
Coatbridge and Chryston
Karley Mooney MSYP and Mischa Brown MSYP
Jordana Rae MSYP and Daisy Hood MSYP
Cumbernauld and Kilsyth
Neve Macaulay MSYP and Shafa Waqas MSYP
Cunninghame North
Adam Johnson MSYP and Rhyan Gorrie MSYP
Cunninghame South
Emma Burns MSYP and Freya Fitzsimmons MSYP
Sophie Bennie MSYP and Faith Bhardwaj MSYP
Caitlyn Walton MSYP and Skye Allan MSYP
Dundee City East
Jamail Umar MSYP and Jack Anderson MSYP
Dundee City West
Kristers Lukins MSYP and Leia Mckenzie MSYP
Fraser Jarvis MSYP and Angus Robertson MSYP
East Kilbride
Connor MacLeod MSYP and Nandika Sunny MSYP
East Lothian
Finlay McIlwraith MSYP and Katie Fairfull MSYP
Jenson Black MSYP and Rydha Bhatti MSYP
Edinburgh Central
Ini Odemosu MSYP and Pavel Yanev MSYP
Edinburgh Eastern
Nazarii Lialiuk MSYP and Ife Odemosu MSYP
Edinburgh Northern and Leith
Tazrian Tasmiah MSYP and Evan Rae MSYP
Edinburgh Pentlands
Cameron Sproul MSYP and Amna Safa Ansar MSYP
Edinburgh Southern
Tom Schmoll MSYP and Shona Cuthbert MSYP
Edinburgh Western
Abby Bissett MSYP and Emma Garmany MSYP
Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire
Emily Tweddle MSYP and Anna Vause MSYP
Falkirk East
Declan McGavin MSYP and Catriona Daw MSYP
Falkirk West
Tamsin Gold MSYP and Jabin Roish MSYP
Galloway and West Dumfries
Daniel Upson MSYP and Louise Church MSYP
Glasgow Anniesland
Islay Jackson MSYP and Beau Johnston MSYP
Glasgow Cathcart
Ellie Craig MSYP
Glasgow Kelvin
Fatemah Ghanem MSYP and Luella Sharp MSYP
Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn
Harvey Hare MSYP and Hayden Atkin MSYP
Glasgow Pollok
Erica Sandlan MSYP and Rajsee Saraf MSYP
Glasgow Provan
Esperanza Giesen MSYP and Nabah Rahman MSYP
Glasgow Shettleston
Adauju Molokwu MSYP and Faith Olawuyi MSYP
Glasgow Southside
Daniel Oriola MSYP
Greenock and Inverclyde
Maya McCrae MSYP and Matthew Quinn MSYP
Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse
Peter Durkin MSYP and Namatai Chakona MSYP
Inverness and Nairn
To be announced
Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley
Lucy Mackinnon MSYP and Morgan McPherson MSYP
Karam Aslam MSYP and Alisha Ahmad MSYP
Ferida Elshani MSYP and Abbie-Rose Kerr
Mid Fife and Glenrothes
Lewis Johnston MSYP
Midlothian North and Musselburgh
Cal Haston MSYP and Olivia Brown MSYP
Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale
Caitlin Chambers MSYP and Alexandra Waterston-law MSYP
Ben Stewart MSYP and Isla Palmer MSYP
Motherwell and Wishaw
Gemma Gordon MSYP and Shiza Ali MSYP
Na h-Eileanan an Iar
Alannah Logue MSYP and Ellie Denehy MSYP
North East Fife
Syeda Mashaim MSYP and Bukhari Callum Jukes MSYP
Orkney Islands
Iain Pretswell MSYP and Nymeria Drayak MSYP
Daniela Onyewuenyi MSYP and Zoya Ahmed MSYP
Perthshire North
Logan Patton MSYP and Paband Abdulmuhsin MSYP
Perthshire South and Kinross-shire
Beinn Grant MSYP and Anna Faith Scott MSYP
Renfrewshire North and West
Isla Grimes MSYP and Alistair Anderson MSYP
Renfrewshire South
Ameerah Kiani MSYP and Yasmine Zourdani MSYP
Marianna Medina MSYP
Shetland Islands
To be announced
Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch
Rory Young MSYP
Zac Mickel MSYP and Sophie Kerrigan MSYP
Strathkelvin and Bearsden
Emily Sneddon MSYP and Rhys Kahlon Andrew MSYP
Uddingston and Bellshill
Olivia Simpson MSYP and Kenzie Ritchie MSYP