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A Transport, Environment and Rural Affairs (TERA) Committee Year in Review

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Team TERA have been involved in numerous project over the past year. 

In September 2019, we also played a role in shaping the National Transport Strategy 2 review. SYP held a discussion day to explore whether the strategy’s vision, priorities and outcomes are the right ones for young people for the next twenty years. In October 2019, we took part in a focus group to help the Scottish Government with their work on the R100 project. This project aims to ensure every household in Scotland has access to superfast broadband by 2021 – you can read all about it here! So you could say we have been really busy to ensure that young people’s views have been heard on all things Transport, Environment and Rural Affairs related.

As well as responding to consultations, we also have been consulting. During lockdown, we recognised the impact increased periods of isolation would have on rural young people’s mental health. So, we conducted the Rural Mental Health Survey to gather these communities views. Find out the results from that consultation in the report below. 

We we’re also twitter trend setters with our amazing ‘Meet the Committee’ which allowed MSYPs and the wider public get to know the team members on an individual basis.

Working with the TERA Committee Members has been an absolutely fantastic experience and we can’t wait to see what they get up to next year. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @SYPTera to stay tuned for more regular updates!

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