Pack it up, Pack it in was our 2019-20 national campaign. This campaign was selected by our membership in June 2019, after consulting with over 10,200 young people. It ran from September 2019 until October 2020.
Pack it up, Pack it in concentrated on reducing pollution levels which contribute to climate change. We did this by focusing on reducing single-use packaging and waste, and improving recycling in Scotland.
The overarching aim of this campaign is:
‘To empower young people to speak out and take action to reduce pollution levels in Scotland.’
We aimed to do this by:
- Identifying young people’s views on single-use packaging, waste, and recycling in Scotland.
- Making recommendations and calling for the changes young people want to see in relation to single-use packaging, waste and recycling in Scotland.
- Taking action to reduce the single-use packaging and waste, and to improve recycling in Scotland.
Find out young people’s views and recommendations in our Pack it up, Pack it in report:
Pack it up, Pack it in Consultation Report0 kB
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In December 2019, we responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on proposals for developing a circular economy. This consultation focuses on reducing waste, encouraging reuse, and improving recycling. Read it here.
Follow us at @OfficialSYP and use #SYPReducePollution to find out what MSYPs got up to during this campaign.

unpacked – SYP’s Eco Festival – Saturday 8th August
unpacked was an online festival celebrating all things Pack it up, Pack it in, coinciding with International Youth Day 2020. Throughout the day, a host of experts, partner organisations, and young people shared ideas and activities aimed to empower young people to speak out and take action to reduce pollution in Scotland.
International Youth Day takes place every year on 12th August. It is an annual celebration of the role of young people as essential partners in change, and an opportunity to raise awareness of challenges and problems facing the world’s young people. The theme of International Youth Day 2020 was ‘Youth Engagement for Global Action’ – this was the perfect opportunity to spend a whole day showcasing the role that Scotland’s young people can play in taking action to protect our environment!
You can watch the unpacked videos on SYP’s YouTube channel:
- Session 1 – unpacking pollution
- Session 2 – make do and mend
- Session 3 – using your voice