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Alannah Logue MSYP

Alannah Logue MSYP

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MSYP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar


I’m 20 years old. I am currently in my second year at Glasgow Caledonian University studying social work and I also work part time in the hospitality sector!

I became an MSYP as I am passionate about youth voice. Being from a small island community, I feel very passionate about making sure youth voice is equal all over Scotland.

Three important issues I’m passionate about: women’s empowerment, education and youth work and culture and media.

Fun fact: I was a classical singer for over 10 years and passed my grade 8 singing with distinction when I was in 6th year!

Articles written by Alannah Logue MSYP

  • Blog

    Reflecting on our SQA Advisory Group – young people’s views on qualifications and assessments

    Three images of MSYPs in a school classroom at an SYP event.
  • See all articles

    Committee Membership


    Culture and Media