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MSYPs call for action to ensure public safety from “injection spiking”

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There have been reports across Scotland of young people being ‘spiked’ through injections whilst out at nightclubs or other venues. Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) want to see action taken by people in positions of power to address this issue and ensure public safety.

The below policy position has been agreed by The Scottish Youth Parliament’s (SYP) Equalities and Human Rights, Health and Wellbeing, and Justice Committees, and has been adopted as official SYP policy.

‘The Scottish Youth Parliament notes, with concern, the reports of an increase of “injection spiking” in nightclubs and other venues and calls for the relevant authorities to take action to ensure public safety in these venues.’

Ilse Cutherston MSYP for Carers Trust Scotland and Convener of SYPs Health & Wellbeing Committee said:

“Injection spiking is utterly terrifying, it’s something that could affect us at any time and we wouldn’t even know it. To stop injection spiking we need to work together to ensure this issue is dealt with, and we all feel safer!”

Jack Bell MSYP for Perthshire South and Kinross-shire and Convener of SYPs Justice Committee said:

“Injection spiking is terrifying for all of us, but most of all women, who tend to be survivors; I’m glad MSYPs now have a mandate to tackle something so awful. My female colleagues and I have drafted a template letter to MSPs, which young people across Scotland can use to call for action. Stopping spiking needs all of us to play a part, and we urge decision-makers to tackle this post-haste.”

As the democratic voice of Scotland’s young people, MSYPs will now take this to key decision-makers to express young people’s concerns and highlight calls for authorities to take action to ensure public safety.

The letter will be available for young people to use soon.

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