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Jobs, Economy and Fair Work

Current and future job prospects, guaranteed income, employment law and equal opportunities are all areas where young people want to see change occur in the next five years. They shared with us some of their top priorities and highlighted the following actions they believe would improve their lives in this area.

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Closing the gender pay gap

The gender pay gap continues to be a concern for young people across Scotland. We asked young people what they thought about the following proposals to tackle it: ‘Employers should increase efforts to close the gender pay gap by

  • Improving equal opportunity policies (Agree 86.6%, Disagree 6.1%, Don’t know 7.3% )
  • Carrying out investigations into equal pay (Agree 84.8%, Disagree 7.0%, Don’t know 8.2% )
  • Having flexible working policies (Agree 83.6%, Disagree 5.2%, Don’t know 11.2%)
  • Ensuring equal pay for equal work (Agree 91.1%, Disagree 3.5%, Don’t know 5.4%)

Guaranteeing income support

Young people across Scotland also told us that they believe that “All citizens should be provided with a guaranteed minimum of income support to ensure that no individual faces financial hardship. 75.8% agreed with this statement, 9.3% disagreed and 15% didn’t know.

To an extent, universal credit is good, but it’s really, really bare minimum, like you’re scraping by. I can’t live off it.

– Young parent

Banning or reforming zero-hour contracts

Working contracts are another major concern of young people, with the majority (58.8%) of respondents agreeing that ‘The UK Government should take action to ban or reform zero-hour contracts.’ 9.3% disagreed and 29.5% didn’t know.

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