Our policy
SYP Policy comes from the collective voices of Scotland's young people. Our policy originates from our manifesto From Scotland’s Young People, Members' Motions and Committee Motions which are voted upon by the MSYPs, and consultations with groups of young people on specific issues.

Policy Log
SYP’s policy is fundamentally youth-led and defines the work of the organisation. Our policies cover a wide range of issues important to young people and set out the views of MSYPs and young people on these issues. This allows SYP and MSYPs to campaign on these policies to decision-makers with the mandate of being supported by Scotland’s young people.
SYP keeps a full log of all active policy that has been created by young people through Motions proposed at our Sittings, our From Scotland’s Young People Manifesto, and consultations with groups of young people on specific issues.
Our Manifesto
Our From Scotland’s Young People hub shows the changes young people want to see over the next five years. All of the calls in our manifesto come directly from young people aged 12-25 across Scotland.
For more details on our manifesto and the consultation process, visit our From Scotland’s Young People Manifesto web hub by clicking below.
Consultation Responses
Our consultation responses ensure decision-makers listen to Scotland’s young people on how policy impacts their lives. These are written in consultation with young people on the issues that matter most to them.
Click below to read our consultation responses.
Lockdown Lowdown
SYP YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot partnered to deliver LockdownLowdown: what young people in Scotland are thinking about COVID-19. Our initial survey gathered the views of almost 2,500 young people from across Scotland on their concerns about COVID-19.
You can read the initial results by clicking below.
As lockdown restrictions changed, we launched a survey as part of phase 2 of the LockdownLowdown, which received over 6000 responses. The second LockdownLowdown report examines the longer-term impacts of coronavirus and the concerns of young people as the country adjusted to shifting lockdown restrictions.
Click below to read the report from phase 2 of LockdownLowdown.
Following the winter lockdown in Scotland, the third phase of LockdownLowdown was launched with over 2500 young people responding to the survey from 31st March – June 1st 2021. This report asked young people from across Scotland for their thoughts of future job prospects, education, youth work, and more.