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Headshot of Rhona Malcolm

Rhona Malcolm

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Policy and Public Affairs Officer


Rhona is a Policy and Public Affairs Officer at SYP. This involves supporting MSYPs with SYP’s policy, public affairs, and campaigning work to make sure that young people’s voices are heard by decision-makers across Scotland.

She previously worked as a lawyer after developing an interest in human rights and social justice at university. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh with an LLB (Hons) in Scots Law and she did her postgraduate diploma at the University of Glasgow. Rhona also did an exchange year at the University of British Columbia where she focused on environmental and international human rights law. It was also where she learned to ski!

Outside of work, Rhona loves to spend her time outdoors – camping, walking and cycling. Her perfect day would involve a picnic at the top of a big hill followed by a wild swim in a cold loch! She also has a springer spaniel called Kobi, who loves joining her on walks.