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    Equal marriage 10 years on: Reflecting on the past and hoping for the future

    MSYPs and staff at Pride
  • News

    Programme for Government – our response

    Graphic with blue, navy and orange triangles in each corner. Image of Scottish Parliament chamber in the background. Text in the top right corner reads: 'Programme for Government'.
  • Blog

    #SYPRepresents: An update on our anti-racism work

    Cris on stage at SYP79
  • Blog

    Illegal Migration Bill – we must stop the descent to an inhumane society

    Graphic with orange world icon on top of navy world map. Text on a blue background at the top reads: 'Illegal Migration Bill'.
  • Blog

    SYP’s stance on Gender Recognition Reform

  • Blog

    Anti-racist education: breaking the mould

    SYP77 Board Member Crisantos Ike on stage at SYP77
  • News

    MSYPs call for action to ensure public safety from “injection spiking”

    Blue and orange image with the SYP logo in one corner. The text in the middle says
  • Blog

    Why Pride is still important

    Image of a rainbow drawing with the SYP logo in front of the rainbow.
  • Blog

    Cabinet Blog — Make engaging with Seldom Heard Groups a Priority

    Erin Campbell MSYP takes a selfies holding a tablet with the Cabinet Takeover meeting on it.
  • Blog

    The Importance of Racial Inclusivity in Scottish Education

    Logo for the RISE project which has a yellow background with a white sun around the R in RISE.