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#Mental Health

  • News

    All aboard for change: free inter-island ferry travel secured for young people

    Alannah Logue MSYP overlaid on an image of the isle of Lewis.
  • News

    Safer Internet Day 2025: Keeping young people safe online

    Young girl with red hair on her bed using her phone, which is blurred and out of focus.
  • News

    Members give evidence to the Education, Children and Young People Committee

    MSYPs and MSPs at the Education, Children and Young People Committee session. Front row, from left to right; Sophie Kerrigan MSYP, Jordana Rae MSYP, Ellie Craig MSYP, Beau Johnston MSYP and Beinn Grant MSYP. Back row, from left to right; Keith Brown MSP, John Mason MSP, George Adam MSP, Ross Greer MSP, Miles Briggs MSP, Douglas Ross MSP, Willie Rennie MSP, Jackie Dunbar MSP and Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP.
  • Blog

    #CabinetTakeover 2024: Increase mental health training and education

    First Minister John Swinney speaking at the Annual Cabinet Meeting with Children and Young People in November 2024 with young people and other Ministers sat next to him
  • News

    Children and young people prepare for annual Cabinet meeting

    Bird's eye view of St Andrew's House, the Scottish Government HQ, in Edinburgh.
  • Blog

    #ExecutiveTakeover 2024: Increase mental health training and education

    Image of Scottish Government Permanent Secretary John-Paul Marks, SYP Chair Ellie Craig MSYP and a Member of the Children's Parliament.
  • News

    MSYPs select new national campaigns

    Image of an MSYP sitting at a table taking part in a panel discussion at an event. Orange tint overlaid with white polka dots in corners.
  • News

    Scottish Government announce £30 million increase in mental health funding following youth-led evaluation of services

  • Blog

    My experience on the UK Youth Select Committee

    Graphic with a dark green background. Image of Isla Grant MSYP standing on left with a white border. British Youth Council Youth Select Committee logo in a circle in the middle. Picture of Big Ben in London in the sunshine on the right.
  • Blog

    #CabinetTakeover 2023: Bereavement Support

    Blue and orange graphic with an image of Ellie Craig MSYP with text that reads 'Bereavement Support. #CabinetTakeover'. SYP logo in top left.