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    MSYPs select new national campaigns

    Image of an MSYP sitting at a table taking part in a panel discussion at an event. Orange tint overlaid with white polka dots in corners.
  • Blog

    Getting ready for UNCRC implementation in Shetland

    Shetland MSYPs holding up a Shetland flag against a SYP pop-up banner
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    Bold action required to tackle the climate emergency

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    Scottish Government announce £30 million increase in mental health funding following youth-led evaluation of services

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    Statement on the British Youth Council

    British Youth Council logo on a red background and SYP logo on a blue background.
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    Guardianship Scotland joins SYP as an Associate National Voluntary Organisation

    Young people from the Guardianship Scotland project in the Scottish Parliament chamber
  • Blog

    My experience on the UK Youth Select Committee

    Graphic with a dark green background. Image of Isla Grant MSYP standing on left with a white border. British Youth Council Youth Select Committee logo in a circle in the middle. Picture of Big Ben in London in the sunshine on the right.
  • Blog

    Why young people need to learn about trade unions

    Purple image with white text on it that says
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    Combining forces with Forces Children Scotland

    Graphic with a blue background. Image of a young person in the middle. Orange arrow overlaid on top of image. Purple ring around image.
  • Blog

    Equal marriage 10 years on: Reflecting on the past and hoping for the future

    MSYPs and staff at Pride