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SYP launches ‘Get a move on’ campaign to encourage young people to choose active travel

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SYP’s new Get a move on joint campaign from the Sport and Leisure (SPL) and Transport, Environment, and Rural Affairs (TERA) committees is supported and funded by Sustrans. It will run for a month in advance of COP26, and has two key aims:

  • To showcase the benefits of active travel through a social media campaign.
  • To encourage young people to get involved in active travel.

Between 1st and 16th October 2021, young people across Scotland will be encouraged to walk, wheel, or cycle for (part of) at least one journey they would normally otherwise take the car or bus.

We will collect young people’s experiences and use this to create a report, which will be used during the COP26 period to showcase young people’s views and experiences of using active travel.

Liam Armstrong MSYP, and Convener of SYP’s SPL Committee said:

“Living in the city for university really opened my eyes to the health benefits that active travel can have for us young people and the environment and so that’s why I’m encouraging young people to get involved with our campaign!”

Mollie McGoran MSYP, and Convener or SYP’s TERA Committee said:

“Transport is the largest source of emissions in Scotland, and active travel is a fantastic way for people to lower their emissions, and live more sustainably. This campaign will be a really exciting way for us to encourage young people to see the benefits of active travel and choose to try it themselves!

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