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    Standing with the Uyghur Peoples of China

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    The Barnahus Model — Putting Human Rights at the Heart of our Justice System

    Two one seater sofas in the corner of a room face each other
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    Cabinet Blogs – Engaging Young People in Decision-Making

    Teams meeting screenshot of MSYPs, MCPs and Members of the Scottish Government Cabinet at the Cabinet Takeover event in 2021
  • Blog

    Cabinet Blog — Make engaging with Seldom Heard Groups a Priority

    Erin Campbell MSYP takes a selfies holding a tablet with the Cabinet Takeover meeting on it.
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    Cabinet Blog – Young People’s Experiences throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Ilse Cutherbertson MSYP is holding a tablet showing a videochat with the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeoon.
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    The Importance of Racial Inclusivity in Scottish Education

    Logo for the RISE project which has a yellow background with a white sun around the R in RISE.
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    Young People’s Engagement in Education Decision Making

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    Cabinet Speech -Addressing the Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Young People

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    Cabinet Speech — Putting Rights at the Heart of the COVID-19 Recovery

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    SYP74 — How an online Sitting works