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Your voice. Your future.

SYP's 2026 Manifesto Consultation is now open - and we want to hear from you!

MSYPs at a table writing on paper.

This is an exciting opportunity to gather young people’s views to ensure that SYP’s work for the next 5 years truly reflect the needs of Scotland’s young people.

What is a manifesto?

Every five years, in line with Scottish Parliament elections, SYP produces and publishes a new manifesto. It is a document, created by young people for young people, which includes a list of ideas which young people think the next Scottish Government, and other decision makers, need to implement to meet the needs and uphold the rights of Scotland’s young people. Our existing manifesto was published in 2021.

Our next manifesto will be launched later this year, and we will be using it to ask the decision makers and political parties running for election to include ideas from young people in their plans.

How does this consultation work?

There are two parts to this consultation, a digital nationwide survey, and a series of focus groups, both of which will find out which of our shortlisted policies should be included in our manifesto for 2026-2031.

The consultation is open to all young people aged between 12 and 25. The closing date for the consultation is Sunday 27 April 2025.

You can access the survey below:

We would greatly appreciate if you could share the survey with anyone you know aged 12 to 25 – the more responses we receive, the more representative our manifesto is, the easier it is for our MSYPs to advocate for chance on behalf of Scotland’s young people!

You can read more about SYP’s manifesto and how the consultation works in the Participant Information Sheet.

How does this benefit Scotland’s young people?

SYP’s manifesto for 2026 until 2031 will guide our national campaigns for the next 5 years and have a significant impact on decision making in Scotland.

For example, our ‘All Aboard’ campaign was chosen from a policy included in SYP’s 2016 manifesto and led to the introduction of the under 22s free bus travel scheme!

Respondents will also earn 150 Young Scot points as a reward for sharing their views in our survey. Young people will also be entered into a lucky dip for a chance to win a £50 voucher.

Are you a teacher, youth worker or do you work with children and young people?

We have also created a full Manifesto Pack, which includes session plans for focus groups. These are designed to be run by schools, youth groups, colleges, and universities.

The pack also includes graphics and text for social media channels, posters, leaflets, and more resources to help us reach as many young people as possible.

You can access the resource hub below: